If asked, most people would say that the United States of America allows for the free practice of religion. Many would point to the First Amendment of the Constitution and say: “Religious Freedom”. While it is true that the Constitutional Amendment does say that the government shall “make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press…” What people don’t realize is that in the ‘Greatest Nation on Earth’, that is exactly what is happening today.

While some Christians may disagree with Ward’s actions in light of the scriptures, what we see here is the government dictating what a person can or cannot believe. It doesn’t seem like a very tolerant view, does it? So much for religious freedom. What is happening is simple. The Christian worldview is not allowed to be followed by Christians as they live, work, or go to school out in the public arena. Politically correct proponents would point out that the public arena must be void of value and moral judgments to allow for true freedom. But the reality check is this: One value system is being replaced by another. To simplify:
Value A:
Homosexuality is immoral
Value B:
Homosexuality is not immoral
They will replace value A with value B and say that it is objective, tolerant and tell those who believe value A they can believe it, but they can’t force their morals and values on others. They call this religious freedom. They don't see that they forced their moral and values on others. The hypocrisy continues!
What is taking place is the court system and (by extension) the government is replacing one value system with another. It isn’t objective, it isn’t tolerant, and it does violate the First Amendment in that it is prohibiting the free expression of religion. On the sidelines the “Church” sits by without so much as a whimper. When did we come to understand that right and wrong are defined by any court? When did we just give up the ‘fight’? If we truly stand for religious freedom, shouldn’t someone at least ask; “Whose value system gets to replace the current one?”
People need to understand that in order to have religious freedom in a nation; they are going to be offended. We all have the right to live in accordance with the religion we choose. We all have the right to pray or not to pray, even in public. WE DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND THAT NO ONE OFFEND US. That isn’t religious freedom at all, that is a soft tyranny of, by and for the people. Think about it, if you were never allowed to do or say anything that might cause offense to another person, would you have any kind of freedom at all? Absolutely not. Would you have true religious freedom? Same answer…not at all!
The nature of reality dictates that there are absolutes. We must be willing to allow other to believe a view that is contrary to the view we hold. The idea of ‘tolerance’ doesn’t preclude disagreement it requires it. If we can force an individual or group to only hold their belief system in the privacy of their own homes but not in the public arena, then we have done nothing more than to stab religious freedom in the heart.
No one can say that they demand objectivity in the public arena when it comes to a moral stance, it is impossible to achieve. In the United States, the people have witnessed a slippery slope, a sly shift or a re-defining or re-imagining of the idea of religious freedom. Now we have freedom from religion, not freedom of religion. Religious freedom was so important to our founders that the first amendment to the young Constitution was written to ensure that the people truly had religious freedom. To ensure that the government couldn’t decide what moral value system people in all the states adhered to. They ensured religious freedom for all people in all times. Of course, it has been a long time since the politicians or courts have had too much concern with the Constitution, except when it is used to block something they have wanted to do…that they just won’t tolerate!
For more information on religious freedom and other interesting subjects, read some of the articles on our main site The Reality Check Where Truth Matters!
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